Halloween weekend!

Even though the shop has been super slow, we did manage to get a bunch of people in the night before Halloween. We did a special on Halloween themed stuff, so I was able to do this cool hatchet on a guy's wrist.

Super fun and small.... He lives here so I asked him to come back so I can see how the grey heals up.

This girl was super sweet and also living here on the island, fun to do and she was cool to talk to. good practice for me

I have to say that this was the hardest of all the stuff I did that night. I had a little trouble with the shell part of the turtle, but I learned alot from this one. The woman was heading out of the town the next day and was super nice. She had stopped in before and was looking at the design but didn't want to commit to anything.

I have an appointment for a tribal dragon on the arm tonight... I'll post pics as soon as I'm done!